You can require disbursement of your LD-savings, if you meet one of the below mentioned requirements. You can also chose to leave you pension in the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund for later disbursement. Should you pass away before disbursement then the pension will be paid to the estate.
A: You are 60 years old
You are entitled to receive your LD-savings if you are 60 or older.
B: You have been awarded disability pension
You have been awarded disability pension covered by the Danish Social Pensions Act (lov om social pension).
The form must be certified and stamped by the Social Services Department in your local council.
C: You have been awarded public servant pension (tjenestemandspension) or pension for staff employed on terms similar to those of public servants
Awarded public servant pension (tjenestemandspension) or pension for staff employed on similar terms to those of public servants according to the rules of “egenpension” and “svagelighedspension” for public servants employed by the Danish State, the Danish State School, the Danish National Church and local government public servants.
Awarded pension according to rules for employees in jobs with a pension scheme, which essentially carries the same rights as a public servant pension. This may be the case for employment with independent schools and some licensed companies.
The form must be signed and stamped by the authority, who disburses the pension. In most cases, this means the state or the local council.
D: You have been awarded pension from an approved pension scheme
You have been:
Awarded retirement pension from an approved pension scheme established by an agreement between your employer and yourself or according to a collective agreement or similar agreement with an existing or former employer.
Awarded disability pension, a lump-sum disbursement due to disability or other benefits (e.g. entitlement to premium exemption) due to permanent loss of minimum 50 per cent of your work ability. The pension must have been awarded by an approved pension scheme established by agreement between your employer and yourself, or according to a collective agreement or similar agreement with an existing or former employer.
A pension scheme has been approved if the Danish Pension Tax Act (pensionsbeskatningsloven) covers it. If you do not know whether your pension scheme has been approved or not, your pension fund or your life insurance company will be able to assist you.
The form must be certified and stamped by the pension fund or the life insurance company.
E: You have been awarded compensation for loss of minimum 50 per cent of your work ability
You have been:
Awarded compensation for loss of minimum 50 per cent of your work ability according to the Danish Industrial Injuries Insurance Act (lov om arbejdsskadeforsikring) or the Danish Liability for Damages Act (erstatningsansvarsloven).
Awarded compensation for loss of minimum 50 per cent of your work ability according to acts where compensation essentially is awarded for the same reasons as according to the Danish Industrial Injuries Insurance Act (lov om arbejdsskadeforsikring) this could be compensation under the Danish Act on Patient Insurance (lov om patientforsikring), the Danish Act on Compensation for Pharmaceutical Injuries (lov om erstatning for lægemiddelskader), the Danish Act on Compensation for Vaccination Injuries ( lov om erstatning for vaccinationsskader), the Danish Act on Compensation to Victims of Crime (lov om erstatning til ofre for forbrydelser).
You are entitled to disbursement from “ en rateforsikring”, “ en kapitalforsikring”, “en rateopsparing” or “en opsparing i pensionsøjemed” where you qualify for disbursement according to the Danish Pension Tax Act (pensionsbeskatningsloven) in the event of e.g. disability and under the conditions that you have lost a minimum of 50 per cent of your work ability.
The form must be certified and stamped by the authority or life insurance company, which has awarded the compensation.
F: You have been awarded foreign pension or compensation
You have been:
Awarded foreign pension or compensation for loss of a minimum 50 per cent of your work ability according to rules corresponding essentially to those described above under B, C, D and E.
The form must be certified and stamped by the authority, the life insurance company or the pension company or similar abroad, which has awarded the pension or compensation.
G: You have moved to Greenland or the Faroe Islands in order to take up permanent residence and have been a resident for at least five years
You have:
Moved to Greenland or the Faroe Islands in order to take up permanent residence and you have been a resident for at least five years. It must have been a consecutive period of at least five years immediately before the date of the disbursement request.
The form must be certified and stamped by the Greenlandic or Faroese register office.
H: You have moved from Denmark in order to take up permanent residence abroad
You have:
Moved away from Denmark in order to take up permanent residence abroad.
Disbursement takes place six months after the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund has received information via the register office about your move
I: You are suffering or have been suffering from a life-threatening disease
You are:
Suffering from or have been suffering from a life-threatening disease.
You must enclose a “kapitalpensionsattest” concerning life-threatening diseases signed by a doctor. The doctor’s fee for completing the form will not be covered by LD Pensions. If you already have a similar “kapitalpensionsattest” which has been used in connection with another pension scheme, the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund will accept this certificate.
You can require a “kapitalpensionsattest” and a list of diseases which are considered to be life-threatening from LD Member Service on +45 70 13 13 77.