Disbursement process

As a rule, your LD-savings may be disbursed at the age of 60. However, you can also choose to leave your savings in the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund until you need the money
You must meet one of the conditions of the disbursement rules in order to request disbursement.
  • Disbursement via ld.dk

    You can request disbursement via ld.dk if you are 60. Log on to your LD account with nemID and complete the disbursement process.

  • Request a disbursement form

    If you do not have nemID, you can order a disbursement form by calling +45 70 13 13 77 and enter your personal identification number. If you are a relative to a member and wish to order a disbursement form, please remember to enter the personal identification number of the person in question.

  • The money is transferred to your “nemkonto” account

    It usually takes approximately 2 weeks from you have requested disbursement on ld.dk until the money is at your disposal.

    If you have commenced disbursement by submitting a disbursement form, you must expect that it takes 2 weeks from the date where the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund receives the form, until the money is at your disposal. It takes longer if you are not entitled to disbursement when the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund receives the form. the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund will not start the process until the day you are entitled to disbursement. *

    If you e.g. have been awarded early retirement pension on 1 August, it will take 2 weeks from this date, before the money is at your disposal in your “nemkonto” account, regardless you have submitted the disbursement form prior to this date. The same applies, if you submit the disbursement form well in advance before you turn 60. In that case, the amount will be transferred 8-10 days after your 60th birthday.

    The processing time might be a bit longer than normal in relation to holidays and at the turn of the year.

    The Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund does not have influence over delays, which might occur between nemkonto and the banks.

  • Living abroad

    If you are 60 and have both a ”nemkonto” account and nemID you can initiate disbursement by logging on to ld.dk. If you do not have a “nemkonto” account, you must enter account information and attach relevant documentation, which proves that the account belongs to you. (Follow this link)

  • Contact LD Pensions

    If you need information about your funds with the Cost-of-Living Allowance Fund or about the disbursement rules and cannot locate the information on this page, please contact LD Medlemsservice (LD Member Services).

    E-mail: ldmedlem@ldmedlem.dk 

    Tel.: +45 70 13 13 77

    LD Medlemsservice
    Michael Drewsens Vej 20A
    DK-8270 Højbjerg